In many
occasions, we have heard our friends say “you can never know when co founders
of mille collines will be travelling
out and when exactly they will be back”. Yes. It’s been 3 years of roller coaster work and schizophrenic rhythms.
Co founder
Marc had to move back to Spain for 3 months in September. There he would
develop his final career thesis. We lost him in the field in Africa but we
never lost him in the team. He decided to take his break as an opportunity to
develop the menswear line. And that’s how we made our friends happy again. Not
knowing exactly when Marc would be back but at least excited to hear that the
so claimed line for males would finally be out there!
And that
was the start of many months of online brainstorming and pinterest evening that
would last forever.
We have the privilege to work once again with Ines Monge, one of the most talented pattern makers in Spain, she has been collaborating with mille collines since 3 years now. She is part of the soul of this project and has shared the knowledge and professionalism of her team with us. Together with Marc they are creating the first prototypes of the collection that will then be shared with our team in Rwanda. They will be trained on how to create a menswear product for the first time.
more exciting news. Our first men store will be opening in early 2013! Watch